Top 5 Easy Natural Cures for Dog Allergies

Spring time allergies can be particularly rough on our furry friends, and as fellow pet lovers, Steph and I wanted to share our top 5 of our favorite natural remedies for dog allergies to keep our pets feeling their best.

In Buddha’s 15 years, I’ve learned quite a bit about pet health, particularly as it relates to allergies. My big boy Buddha is quite the character – he’s robust, loving, and surprisingly allergic to almost everything, including grass! Watching him scratch relentlessly or dealing with digestive issues after meals has been heart-wrenching. This experience sparked a strong desire in me to explore natural remedies for dog allergies, to find a way to alleviate his discomfort without resorting to strong medications immediately.

As the great Mahatma Gandhi once stated, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” This quote rings true in our hearts as pet parents. Our furry friends are more than pets – they’re family. It’s our duty to treat their ailments with as much care and respect as we would our own.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Now, onto the subject at hand – pet allergies. Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the body’s immune system to usually harmless substances. These substances or allergens can be anything from certain foods, dust, pollen, or in Buddha’s case, even grass! Common symptoms can range from excessive scratching, skin and ear infections, to more severe gastrointestinal problems.

Top 5 Natural Cures

Nature, in its infinite wisdom, provides a range of remedies that can help manage your dog’s allergies. Here are some we’ve found helpful:

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are proven inflammation fighters. These beneficial fats are found in fish oil and certain plant foods like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds.
    • I started incorporating these into Buddha’s meals, and the change was noticeable. His constant scratching reduced, and his coat looked healthier. Remember, any diet changes should be gradual to avoid upsetting your pet’s tummy.
  2. Quercetin:
    • Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables like apples, broccoli, and green tea. It’s known as nature’s antihistamine.
    • After getting a nod from our vet, I added small amounts of quercetin-rich foods, Apples are his favorite, to Buddha’s diet. It helped him manage his sneezing fits, especially during the pollen-heavy spring season.
  3. Probiotics:
    • Probiotics are good bacteria that aid digestion and bolster the immune system, another great natural remedy for dog allergies. The idea is to strengthen the gut, which is a critical part of the immune system.
    • Yogurt with live cultures, kefir, and fermented vegetables are good natural sources. Buddha particularly enjoys a spoonful of yogurt with his meals, and I’ve noticed a positive change in his gut health.
  4. Oat Baths:
    • For skin allergies, oat baths can provide a soothing relief for dog allergies. Oats are well-known for their anti-inflammatory and skin-protecting properties.
    • We started giving Buddha oat baths after his romps in the grass, and it helped soothe his inflamed skin. Just blend oats into a fine powder and mix it into lukewarm bath water.
  5. Regular Cleaning:
    • Maintaining a clean environment might sound obvious, but it’s often overlooked. Regular cleaning can significantly reduce the number of allergens in your home, helping your pet breathe easier.
    • We’ve made it a point to clean Buddha’s favorite spots more frequently and noticed fewer sneezing fits in him.
    • Some of our favorite gadgets for keeping a fresh house include Air Purifiers (Dyson & Austin Air being our favorites).

Our Promise

These natural remedies to dog allergies, coupled with lots of love and patience, have made a world of difference in managing Buddha’s allergies. However, remember that every pet is unique. Always observe how your pet reacts to any new remedy, and consult your vet before making significant changes.

In our journey with Buddha and Vivian, Stephanie and I have become firm believers in combining natural remedies with traditional veterinary care for a holistic approach to pet health.

I hope our experiences and these tips can help you navigate your pet’s allergies a bit more easily. Remember, we’re all learning and growing in this journey as pet parents. Please be sure to check out our article on a few simple steps you should follow when adding a new fur friend to your household.

Until next time, stay pawsitive, keep wagging, and remember to subscribe to our blog for more pet-loving content. Let’s keep the conversation going. Share this post with your fellow pet parents – because when it comes to our pets’ well-being, it truly takes a village!

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